Thursday, 18 October 2012

Mace a Woman’s Best Friend

The first type of defense spray was known as Chemical Mace and was invented in 1965 by Allan Lee Littman. Since that time mace spray has been used for self-defense particularly by women. The very first product that was sold commercially was CN Tear gas in an aerosol can. Since then mace has been manufactured as a defense spray in a smaller can.Maceis able to incapacitate an assailant when you spray it in their face.

The Best Time to Use Mace

When you are all alone at night and walking to your car, a can of Mace Pepper Spray can make you feel ten times safer than if you carried no self-defense spray at all. Times are tough right now and crime rates are higher than usual. You want to remain safe while going about your daily activities. Even walking down the sidewalk in a busy city can be dangerous. If you park next to a van and you are not careful you could be the next victim of a kidnapper. This is one of the best times to use mace for protection.

If you work out in a gym and you find that you end up being alone when it is time to leave, grasp your can of mace inside your purse while you walk to your car and be prepared for any disturbances. Women that live in college dorms may find mace particularly useful if a date gets out of hand.
How Does Mace Work?

Mace pepper spray is similar to an aerosol. When you spray it, it sprays in a continuous fashion from every angle. This includes if your mace spray can is upside down. A single can holds seven sprays that can reach up to twenty five feet. Make sure you remain safe with your very own can of mace today.